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Thomas H. Farmer

THOMAS HOYT FARMER (2nd from left, above) was born on August 12, 1950 and joined the Armed Forces while in EUGENE, OR.

He served as a 11E10 in the Army, and attained the rank of SP4/E4.

On June 8, 1971, at the age of 20, Thomas Hoyt Farmer perished in the service of our country in South Vietnam, Quang Tri.


I was third track behind Farmer's tank went it hit a mine. Earl Warren and myself tried to crawl up to the tank and pull Farmer body away from the burning tank. We got about ten feet away and the ammo started going up and the flames got too hot. Farmer lay next to the tank and his body was badly burned. I remember seeing the grate off the back of the tank flying over my track when it hit the mine. There was an E-6 black guy that was TC and he was blown about 20' from the tank when it hit the mine. He had a huge piece of shrapnel protruding from his left foot. The driver got out OK but don't remember who he was either. I just remember how bad me and Warren felt that we got so close and yet failed.
Buddy Puryear 1st Plt. '70-71

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